The two leaves and a bud, the Olinda story

In 1942, our legendary founder VTV Deivanayagam Pillai was on the lookout for the finest form of tea. A tea that delights the taste buds with pure tea leaves and also one that is health-friendly. After learning more about tea, he found that the two youngest tender leaves and bud of the tea plant are the best to make the perfect cup of tea. After testing and refining the tea made with two leaves and a bud, ‘Olinda Teas’ was born. Today, his vision of delivering the finest cup of tea has been successfully taken forward by three generations. As a family of master tea tasters and passionate tea makers, Olinda Teas brings an exceptional tea experience!
As one of the finest tea producers in Sri Lanka touching millions of lives across the globe, every tea plucker with Olinda Teas knows, only the young and fresh 'two leaves and a bud' of the tea plant should be used. And only tea experts know, the third and fourth leaf brings an undesirable taste to the tea. This is why Olinda Teas remains true to its roots in making the best cup of tea from tea leaves grown, plucked and produced in the right way.
Two leaves and a bud is not just our logo, but where the art of real tea starts!
Also known as ‘fine plucking’, the removal of the bud and the next two tea leaves of the tea plant is a symbol of true perfection. The two tender leaves at the top of the plant are the freshest growth and the richest in ‘catechins’ and ‘theanine’ – two vital medicinal compounds. In fact, natural antioxidants are concentrated in the two leaves and bud. It’s also the best part of the tea plant that gives your cup of Olinda teas its original taste, flavour and aroma with immense healthy goodness.
With each sip, Olinda Teas has transformed and enriched lives in many ways - in colour, flavour, depth and intensity. Each carefully plucked ‘two leaves and a bud’ is dried, processed and transformed into aromatic tea leaves for the finest and purest taste of real tea. Besides, Olinda Teas has no artificial preservatives or GMOs keeping your health and wellness in mind. Just like our logo, we believe in bringing you tea that is real and reliable with your everyday lifestyle.
Olinda Teas continues to serve its loyal patrons who have made the right choice to –
Live Well Naturally!